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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing STRIC

ABSTRICTIONSabstrictions n. Plural of abstriction.
ABSTRICTION n. the act of abstricting.
ASTRICTIVELYASTRICTIVE adv. binding; astringent.
CONSTRICTINGconstricting v. Present participle of constrict.
CONSTRICT v. to draw together; to render narrower or smaller.
CONSTRICTIONconstriction n. The act of constricting, the state of being constricted, or something that constricts.
constriction n. A narrow part of something; a stricture.
constriction n. A compression.
CONSTRICTIVEconstrictive adj. That constricts, or is accompanied by constriction.
CONSTRICTIVE adj. serving to constrict.
CONSTRICTORSconstrictors n. Plural of constrictor.
CONSTRICTOR n. a muscle that contracts a cavity or orifice or compresses an organ.
DERESTRICTEDderestricted v. Simple past tense and past participle of derestrict.
DERESTRICT v. to remove restrictions from.
DUMBSTRICKENDUMBSTRICKEN adj. made silent by astonishment, also DUMBSTRUCK.
MOONSTRICKENmoonstricken adj. Moonstruck.
MOONSTRICKEN adj. simpleminded, as if affected by the moon, also MOONSTRUCK.
OBSTRICTIONSobstrictions n. Plural of obstriction.
OBSTRICTION n. (obsolete) obligation.
PALAESTRICALPALAESTRICAL adj. relating to a palaestra, a wrestling school, also PALAESTRIC.
PRESTRICTIONprestriction n. (Obsolete) obstruction, dimness, or defect of sight.
PRESTRICTION n. (obsolete) blindness; blindfolding.
REDISTRICTEDredistricted v. Simple past tense and past participle of redistrict.
REDISTRICT v. to divide into new districts.
RESTRICTEDLYrestrictedly adv. To a restricted extent.
RESTRICTED adv. RESTRICT, to keep within boundaries.
RESTRICTIONSrestrictions n. Plural of restriction.
RESTRICTION n. a regulation that restricts or restrains.
RESTRICTIVESrestrictives n. Plural of restrictive.
RESTRICTIVE n. something that restricts.
STRICTNESSESstrictnesses n. Plural of strictness.
STRICTNESS n. the state of being strict.
SUBDISTRICTSsubdistricts n. Plural of subdistrict.
sub-districts n. Plural of sub-district.
SUBDISTRICT n. a subdivision of a district.
UNRESTRICTEDunrestricted adj. Not restricted or confined.
unrestricted adj. Having no security classification.
UNRESTRICTED adj. not restricted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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