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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing SECRE

ANTISECRECYantisecrecy adj. Opposing or countering secrecy.
ANTISECRECY adj. against secrecy.
NONSECRETORnonsecretor n. That which is not a secretor.
NONSECRETOR n. an individual of blood group A, B, or AB who does not secrete the antigens characteristic of these blood groups.
OVERSECRETEoversecrete v. (Medicine) to secrete excessively.
over-secrete v. Alternative form of oversecrete.
SECRETAIRESsecretaires n. Plural of secretaire.
SECRETAIRE n. (French) a writing desk.
SECRETARIALsecretarial adj. Pertaining to a secretary.
secretarial adj. Connected with a secretary’s work.
SECRETARIAL adj. like a secretary.
SECRETARIATsecretariat n. The office or department of a government secretary.
secretariat n. (Roman Catholicism) A kind of dicastery within the Roman Curia.
SECRETARIAT n. the office of secretary, also SECRETARIATE.
SECRETARIESsecretaries n. Plural of secretary.
secretaries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of secretary.
SECRETARY n. a person who types and deals with correspondence, and does general clerical and administrative work for a company or individual.
SECRETIONALsecretional adj. Relating to secretions.
SECRETIONAL adj. related to secretion.
SECRETIVELYsecretively adv. In a secretive manner.
SECRETIVE adv. inclined to or fond of secrecy.
SECRETORIESsecretories n. Plural of secretory.
SECRETORY n. a secretory vessel.
SUPERSECRETsupersecret adj. Extremely secret or secretive.
SUPERSECRET n. a top secret.
ULTRASECRETultrasecret adj. Extremely secret; of the utmost secrecy.
ULTRASECRET adj. extremely secret.
UNSECRETINGunsecreting v. Present participle of unsecret.
UNSECRET v. (Shakespeare) to inform or make aware.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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