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There are 16 ten-letter words containing STICH

DECASTICHSdecastichs n. Plural of decastich.
DECASTICH n. a ten-line poem.
DISTICHOUSdistichous adj. (Botany) Arranged in two rows on each side of an axis.
distichous adj. (Poetry) In the form of a distich.
DISTICHOUS adj. in or having two rows, also DISTICHAL.
HEMISTICHShemistichs n. Plural of hemistich.
HEMISTICH n. half a verse line.
HEPTASTICHheptastich n. (Poetry) A composition consisting of seven lines or verses.
HEPTASTICH n. a poem, strophe, or stanza that consists of seven lines.
HEXASTICHShexastichs n. Plural of hexastich.
HEXASTICH n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICHON.
MONOSTICHSmonostichs n. Plural of monostich.
MONOSTICH n. a composition consisting of one verse only.
OCTASTICHSoctastichs n. Plural of octastich.
OCTASTICH n. a poem or stanza of eight lines, also OCTASTICHON.
PARASTICHYparastichy n. (Botany) A secondary spiral of leaves or florets.
PARASTICHY n. a secondary helix joining leaf-bases on an axis, visible where the leaves are crowded together, e.g. the scales of a pine cone.
PASTICHEURpasticheur n. One who mimics the literary or artistic style of another.
PASTICHEUR n. (French) one who does pastiches.
PENTASTICHpentastich n. (Poetry) A composition consisting of five verses.
PENTASTICH n. a composition consisting of five verses.
STICHARIONsticharion n. The outer clerical garb worn by clergy in the Greek Orthodox Church, corresponding to the alb in Latin-Rite…
STICHARION n. a vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests.
STICHIDIUMstichidium n. A special pod-like or fusiform branch containing tetraspores, found in certain red algae.
STICHIDIUM n. a branch producing tetraspores, in red seaweeds.
STICHOLOGYSTICHOLOGY n. metrical theory.
TELESTICHStelestichs n. Plural of telestich.
TELESTICH n. a poem in which the consecutive final letters of the lines spell a name.
TETRASTICHtetrastich n. (Prosody) A four-line stanza.
TETRASTICH n. a stanza, epigram, or poem, consisting of four verses or lines.
TRISTICHICTRISTICHIC adj. relating to a tristich, a stanza of three lines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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