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There are 20 ten-letter words containing SPIRI

ASPIRINGLYaspiringly adv. In an aspiring manner.
ASPIRING adv. ASPIRE, to aim for higher things.
CONSPIRINGconspiring v. Present participle of conspire.
conspiring n. Conspiracy.
CONSPIRE v. to plot together.
DISPIRITEDdispirited v. Simple past tense and past participle of dispirit.
dispirited adj. Without energy, gusto or drive, enervated, without the will to accomplish, disheartened.
DISPIRIT v. to lower in spirits.
INSPIRITEDinspirited v. Simple past tense and past participle of inspirit.
INSPIRIT v. to animate or encourage.
INSPIRITERINSPIRITER n. one who inspirits.
NONASPIRINnonaspirin adj. That is not aspirin.
NONASPIRIN adj. not containing aspirin.
PERSPIRINGperspiring adj. Producing perspiration; sweating.
perspiring n. The act of producing perspiration.
perspiring v. Present participle of perspire.
REINSPIRITreinspirit v. (Transitive) To give fresh spirit to.
REINSPIRIT v. to give fresh spirit to.
SPIRITEDLYspiritedly adv. In a spirited manner; with spirit; enthusiastically.
SPIRITED adv. SPIRIT, to carry off secretly.
SPIRITINGSspiritings n. Plural of spiriting.
SPIRITING n. the act of spiriting.
SPIRITISMSspiritisms n. Plural of spiritism.
SPIRITISM n. the belief that nothing is real except the soul or spirit, also SPIRITUALISM.
SPIRITISTSspiritists n. Plural of spiritist.
Spiritists n. Plural of Spiritist.
SPIRITIST n. one who believes that nothing is real except the soul or spirit, also SPIRITUALIST.
SPIRITLESSspiritless adj. Lacking energy, drive, motivation or emotion. Enervated.
SPIRITLESS adj. lacking animation or courage.
SPIRITUALSspirituals n. Plural of spiritual.
Spirituals n. Plural of Spiritual.
SPIRITUAL n. a black religious song.
SPIRITUOUSspirituous adj. Of, pertaining to, containing, or made using alcohol.
spirituous adj. (Of an alcoholic drink) Distilled.
SPIRITUOUS adj. alcoholic.
SPIRITUSESspirituses n. Plural of spiritus.
SPIRITUS n. (Latin) spirit; a breathing.
SUSPIRIOUSsuspirious adj. Suspiring; sighing.
SUSPIRIOUS adj. breathing labouredly; sighing.
UNASPIRINGunaspiring adj. Lacking ambition; not aspiring to any goal.
UNASPIRING adj. not aspiring.
UNSPIRITEDunspirited adj. Not spirited; lacking animation or liveliness.
UNSPIRITED adj. not spirited.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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