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There are 10 ten-letter words containing SOMET

DROSOMETERdrosometer n. A device for measuring the amount of dew on a surface.
DROSOMETER n. an instrument for measuring dew.
GASOMETERSgasometers n. Plural of gasometer.
GASOMETER n. an instrument for holding and measuring gases, also GASHOLDER.
GASOMETRICgasometric adj. Of or relating to gasometry or gasometrics.
GASOMETRIC adj. relating to the measurement of gas, also GASOMETRICAL.
HYPSOMETERhypsometer n. An instrument that measures altitude indirectly by measuring the boiling point of water (which varies…
HYPSOMETER n. an instrument for measuring height of trees through triangulation.
HYPSOMETRYhypsometry n. The measurement of elevation relative to sea level.
HYPSOMETRY n. the art of measuring the heights of places on the earth's surface.
ISOMETRICSisometrics n. Plural of isometric.
isometrics n. Isometric exercise.
ISOMETRIC n. a line connecting points of equal variations of pressure.
ISOMETRIESisometries n. Plural of isometry.
ISOMETRY n. equality of measure.
OPISOMETERopisometer n. A device for measuring the length of curved lines, such as on a map.
OPISOMETER n. an instrument for measuring curved lines.
PULSOMETERpulsometer n. A vacuum pump or hydrotrope.
PULSOMETER n. a pump that draws in water by condensation of steam in two chambers alternately.
SOMETHINGSsomethings v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of something.
somethings n. Plural of something.
something's cont. Contraction of something is.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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