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There are 15 ten-letter words containing SANIT

INSANITARYinsanitary adj. Of or pertaining to a lack of sanitation; unsanitary, dirty, unhealthy.
INSANITARY adj. not sanitary.
INSANITIESinsanities n. Plural of insanity.
INSANITY n. the state of being insane.
SANITARIANsanitarian adj. Of or pertaining to health, or the laws of health; sanitary.
sanitarian n. (US) A public health or sanitation worker.
sanitarian n. (Historical) A person who promoted sanitary reforms.
SANITARIESsanitaries n. Plural of sanitary.
sanitaries n. (Euphemistic) Facilities for handling human waste; Structure containing toilets, seats over a cesspit…
sanitaries n. White knee-length stockings.
SANITARILYsanitarily adv. In a sanitary way.
SANITARY adv. related to health.
SANITARISTsanitarist n. A sanitarian.
SANITARIST n. a sanitarian.
SANITARIUMsanitarium n. (US) Alternative form of sanatorium.
SANITARIUM n. (Latin) a health station or retreat, also SANATORIUM, SANITORIUM.
SANITATINGsanitating v. Present participle of sanitate.
SANITATE v. to clean and sterilize, also SANITISE, SANITIZE.
SANITATIONsanitation n. The hygienic disposal or recycling of waste.
sanitation n. The policy and practice of protecting health through hygienic measures.
SANITATION n. the act of making sanitary.
SANITISERSsanitisers n. Plural of sanitiser.
SANITISER n. one who sanitises, also SANITIZER.
SANITISINGsanitising v. Present participle of sanitise.
SANITISE v. to clean and sterilize, also SANITIZE, SANITATE.
SANITIZERSsanitizers n. Plural of sanitizer.
SANITIZER n. one who sanitises, also SANITISER.
SANITIZINGsanitizing v. Present participle of sanitize.
SANITIZE v. to clean and sterilize, also SANITISE, SANITATE.
SANITORIUMsanitorium n. Alternative spelling of sanatorium.
SANITORIUM n. a hospital, esp. for tuberculosis, also SANATORIUM, SANITARIUM.
UNSANITARYunsanitary adj. Not sanitary; unhealthy; dirty.
UNSANITARY adj. not sanitary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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