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There are 16 words containing SSEU

CHASSEURchasseur n. A soldier equipped for rapid movement; also, any of several light infantry regiments, especially in France.
chasseur n. A servant or attendant.
chasseur n. A hotel messenger, especially in France.
CHASSEURSchasseurs n. Plural of chasseur.
CHASSEUR n. (French) a cavalry soldier.
COLOSSEUMcolosseum n. Alternative spelling of coliseum.
Colosseum prop.n. The largest stadium in the Roman empire, located near the center of Rome.
COLOSSEUM n. a large building or stadium used as a place of entertainment, also COLISEUM.
COLOSSEUMScolosseums n. Plural of colosseum.
COLOSSEUM n. a large building or stadium used as a place of entertainment, also COLISEUM.
CONNOISSEURconnoisseur n. A specialist in a given field whose opinion is highly valued, especially in one of the fine arts or…
CONNOISSEUR n. (French) one who appreciates fine things e.g. wines, the arts.
CONNOISSEURSconnoisseurs n. Plural of connoisseur.
CONNOISSEUR n. (French) one who appreciates fine things e.g. wines, the arts.
CONNOISSEURSHIPconnoisseurship n. The state or act of being a connoisseur.
CONNOISSEURSHIP n. the state of being a connoisseur.
MASSEURmasseur n. (Massage) A person (especially male) who performs massage.
masseur n. An instrument used in the performance of massage.
MASSEUR n. (French) a male who makes a living by giving massage.
MASSEURSmasseurs n. Plural of masseur.
MASSEUR n. (French) a male who makes a living by giving massage.
MASSEUSEmasseuse n. A woman who performs massage; a female masseur.
masseuse n. (Nonstandard) A masseur; a man who performs massage.
MASSEUSE n. (French) a female who makes a living by giving massage.
MASSEUSESmasseuses n. Plural of masseuse.
MASSEUSE n. (French) a female who makes a living by giving massage.
MOUSSEUXmousseux adj. Of wine: sparkling.
mousseux n. A sparkling wine.
MOUSSEUX n. a sparkling wine.
REGISSEURREGISSEUR n. (French) a ballet director.
REGISSEURSREGISSEUR n. (French) a ballet director.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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