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There are 11 words containing SSAV

CASSAVAcassava n. Manioc (Manihot esculenta), a tropical plant which is the source of tapioca.
cassava n. Tapioca, a starchy pulp made with manioc roots.
CASSAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASAVA.
CASSAVAScassavas n. Plural of cassava.
CASSAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASAVA.
DISSAVEdissave v. To spend more than one earns.
DISSAVE v. to use savings for current expenses.
DISSAVEDdissaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of dissave.
DISSAVE v. to use savings for current expenses.
DISSAVERdissaver n. One who dissaves (spends more than is earned).
DISSAVER n. one who dissaves.
DISSAVERSdissavers n. Plural of dissaver.
DISSAVER n. one who dissaves.
DISSAVESdissaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dissave.
DISSAVE v. to use savings for current expenses.
DISSAVINGdissaving v. Present participle of dissave.
DISSAVING n. the spending of savings made in the past to finance an excess of spending over disposable income, thus diminishing accumulated assets.
DISSAVINGSdissavings n. An amount that is dissaved.
DISSAVING n. the spending of savings made in the past to finance an excess of spending over disposable income, thus diminishing accumulated assets.
PIASSAVApiassava n. A fibrous product of two Brazilian palm trees (Attalea funifera and Leopoldinia piassaba), formerly…
piassava n. Either of these two trees.
PIASSAVA n. (Tupi) a coarse, stiff fibre, also PIASABA, PIASAVA, PIASSABA.
PIASSAVASpiassavas n. Plural of piassava.
PIASSAVA n. (Tupi) a coarse, stiff fibre, also PIASABA, PIASAVA, PIASSABA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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