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There are 19 words containing SMON

MUSMONmusmon n. A kind of sheep, the mouflon.
MUSMON n. a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFFLON, MOUFLON, MUFLON, MUSIMON.
MUSMONSmusmons n. Plural of musmon.
MUSMON n. a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFFLON, MOUFLON, MUFLON, MUSIMON.
PLASMONplasmon n. (Genetics) All the genetic material in an organism.
plasmon n. (Physics, astronomy) The quantum of waves produced by the collective effects of large numbers of electrons…
PLASMON n. the total of the genetic material in a cell.
CHRISMONchrismon n. A Christogram.
chrismon n. (Palaeography) A stylised siglum or character interpreted as an invocation of Christ in Merovingian…
chrismon n. A Christmas decoration with explicitly Christian religious symbolism.
PLASMONSplasmons n. Plural of plasmon.
PLASMON n. the total of the genetic material in a cell.
CHRISMONSchrismons n. Plural of chrismon.
CHRISMON n. (Greek) a Christian monogram.
COSMONAUTcosmonaut n. An astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one.
COSMONAUT n. a Russian astronaut.
JASMONATEjasmonate n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several esters of jasmonic acid that act as plant hormones; they are the…
JASMONATE n. any of several organic compounds that occur in plants and are thought to control processes such as growth and fruit ripening and to aid the plant's defences against disease and insect attack.
CISMONTANEcismontane adj. From this side of the mountains.
cismontane adj. Favoring French control over local church matters in conflicts with the Pope.
CISMONTANE adj. on this or the near side of the mountains.
COSMONAUTScosmonauts n. Plural of cosmonaut.
COSMONAUT n. a Russian astronaut.
JASMONATESjasmonates n. Plural of jasmonate.
JASMONATE n. any of several organic compounds that occur in plants and are thought to control processes such as growth and fruit ripening and to aid the plant's defences against disease and insect attack.
NEWSMONGERnewsmonger n. A gossip.
newsmonger n. (Colloquial) A journalist.
NEWSMONGER n. a person who deals in news; a gossip.
NEWSMONGERSnewsmongers n. Plural of newsmonger.
NEWSMONGER n. a person who deals in news; a gossip.
SEISMONASTYseismonasty n. A nastic response to touch or vibration.
SEISMONASTY n. response to mechanical shock.
COSMONAUTICScosmonautics n. The activities of cosmonauts; Soviet/Russian astronautics.
COSMONAUTICS n. Russian astronautics.
SEISMONASTICseismonastic adj. Of or relating to seismonasty.
SEISMONASTIC adj. relating to seismonasty, response to mechanical shock.
TRANSMONTANEtransmontane adj. Of or relating to the other side of the mountains.
TRANSMONTANE n. (Italian) a cold north wind in Italy, also TRAMONTANA, TRAMONTANE.
SEISMONASTIESSEISMONASTY n. response to mechanical shock.
TRANSMONTANESTRANSMONTANE n. (Italian) a cold north wind in Italy, also TRAMONTANA, TRAMONTANE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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