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There are 13 words containing SMOC

SMOCKsmock n. A type of undergarment worn by women; a shift or slip.
smock n. A blouse; a smock frock.
smock n. A loose garment worn as protection by a painter, etc.
SMOCKSsmocks n. Plural of smock.
Smocks prop.n. Plural of Smock.
SMOCK v. to put on a loose outer garment.
SMOCKEDsmocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of smock.
SMOCK v. to put on a loose outer garment.
SMOCKINGsmocking n. (Sewing) An embroidery technique in which the fabric is gathered and then embroidered with decorative…
smocking v. Present participle of smock.
SMOCKING n. a type of embroidery.
COSMOCRATcosmocrat n. One who rules the world.
cosmocrat n. (Sometimes capitalized) an epithet for God or Satan.
cosmocrat n. A prosperous globalist.
SMOCKINGSsmockings n. Plural of smocking.
SMOCKING n. a type of embroidery.
SMOCKLIKEsmocklike adj. Resembling a smock.
SMOCKLIKE adj. like a smock.
COSMOCRATScosmocrats n. Plural of cosmocrat.
COSMOCRAT n. a ruler of the world.
COSMOCRATICcosmocratic adj. Relating to cosmocrats or a cosmocrat.
cosmocratic adj. Resembling a cosmocrat.
COSMOCRATIC adj. like a cosmocrat.
COSMOCHEMISTcosmochemist n. A scientist involved in cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMIST n. one who practises cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMICALcosmochemical adj. Of or pertaining to cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMICAL adj. relating to cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMISTScosmochemists n. Plural of cosmochemist.
COSMOCHEMIST n. one who practises cosmochemistry.
COSMOCHEMISTRYcosmochemistry n. The branch of chemistry that deals with the creation of the elements, and their isotopic distribution…
COSMOCHEMISTRY n. a branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical composition of and changes in the universe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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