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There are 10 words containing SICL

MUSICLESSmusicless adj. Without music.
MUSICLESS adj. without music.
OSSICLEossicle n. (Anatomy) A small bone (or bony structure), especially one of the three of the middle ear.
ossicle n. (Zoology) Bone-like joint or plate, especially…
OSSICLE n. a small bone.
OSSICLESossicles n. Plural of ossicle.
OSSICLE n. a small bone.
POPSICLEpopsicle n. (Chiefly US, Canada) Frozen fruit juice, flavored sugar water, or the like, on a stick, of a size to be one serving.
popsicle n. (Figuratively) Something cold or frozen.
Popsicle n. A type of ice lolly.
POPSICLESpopsicles n. Plural of popsicle.
Popsicles n. Plural of Popsicle.
POPSICLE n. flavored and colored water frozen on a stick.
SICLIKESICLIKE adj. (Scots) suchlike, also SUCHLIKE.
VERSICLEversicle n. In poetry and songs, particularly hymns, one of a series of lines that are shorter than a standard line of verse.
versicle n. In liturgy, the verse said by the officiant.
VERSICLE n. a short verse in a church service normally followed by response.
VERSICLESversicles n. Plural of versicle.
VERSICLE n. a short verse in a church service normally followed by response.
VESICLEvesicle n. (Cytology) A membrane-bound compartment found in a cell.
vesicle n. A small bladder-like cell or cavity, as…
vesicle n. (Anatomy) A pocket of embryonic tissue that is the beginning of an organ.
VESICLESvesicles n. Plural of vesicle.
VESICLE n. a small blister or bladder, also VESICULA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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