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There are 18 words containing SETA

CHEESETASTERCHEESETASTER n. a long hollow tool for taking a sample from the inside of a cheese.
CHEESETASTERSCHEESETASTER n. a long hollow tool for taking a sample from the inside of a cheese.
EQUISETAequiseta n. Plural of equisetum.
EQUISETUM n. (Latin) a plant, horsetail.
EQUISETACEOUSequisetaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Equisetaceae, or horsetails.
EQUISETACEOUS adj. pertaining to the horsetail family.
HORSETAILhorsetail n. (Literally) The tail of a horse. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
horsetail n. (Botany) Any of various simple vascular plants, of the order Equisetales, that have hollow stems and produce spores.
horsetail n. (Military) A Turkish standard denoting rank.
HORSETAILShorsetails n. Plural of horsetail.
horse␣tails n. Plural of horse tail.
HORSETAIL n. a waterside plant.
MESETAmeseta n. A plateau, especially in Spanish-speaking countries.
MESETA n. (Spanish) a plateau, esp. that of central Spain.
MESETASmesetas n. Plural of meseta.
MESETA n. (Spanish) a plateau, esp. that of central Spain.
MOUSETAILmousetail n. Any plant of the genus Ivesia, in the rose family.
mousetail n. Any plant of the genus Myosurus, in the buttercup family.
MOUSETAIL n. any of various temperate ranunculaceous plants of the genus Myosurus.
MOUSETAILSmousetails n. Plural of mousetail.
MOUSETAIL n. any of various temperate ranunculaceous plants of the genus Myosurus.
OFFSETABLEoffsetable adj. Alternative form of offsettable.
OFFSETABLE adj. that can be offset.
PESETApeseta n. The former currency of the Spanish Empire and Andorra, divided into 100 céntimos.
peseta n. The Equatorial Guinean peseta, a former currency of Equatorial Guinea.
peseta n. The Sahrawi peseta, de jure currency of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
PESETASpesetas n. Plural of peseta.
PESETA n. (Spanish) a monetary unit of Spain.
SETAseta n. A bristle or hair.
seta n. (Botany) The stalk of a moss sporangium, or occasionally in a liverwort.
SETA n. (Latin) a coarse, stiff hair.
SETACEOUSsetaceous adj. Of, relating to, or resembling a seta or bristle; bristly.
SETACEOUS adj. set with, or consisting of, bristles.
SETACEOUSLYsetaceously adv. In a setaceous manner.
SETACEOUS adv. set with, or consisting of, bristles.
SETAEsetae n. Plural of seta.
setæ n. (Obsolete) plural of seta.
SETA n. (Latin) a coarse, stiff hair.
SETALsetal adj. Of, pertaining to, or having setae.
SETAL adj. like a bristle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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