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There are 18 words containing SEOL

GNOSEOLOGIESGNOSEOLOGY n. the philosophy of knowledge, also GNOSIOLOGY.
GNOSEOLOGYgnoseology n. (Uncommon) The philosophical study of knowledge.
GNOSEOLOGY n. the philosophy of knowledge, also GNOSIOLOGY.
MUSEOLOGICALmuseological adj. Pertaining to museology.
MUSEOLOGICAL adj. relating to museology.
MUSEOLOGIESmuseologies n. Plural of museology.
MUSEOLOGY n. the study of museums.
MUSEOLOGISTmuseologist n. A specialist in museology.
MUSEOLOGIST n. a student of museology, the study of museums.
MUSEOLOGISTSmuseologists n. Plural of museologist.
MUSEOLOGIST n. a student of museology, the study of museums.
MUSEOLOGYmuseology n. The design, organization, and management of museums.
MUSEOLOGY n. the study of museums.
PHASEOLINphaseolin n. (Organic chemistry) A prenylated pterocarpan found in Phaseolus vulgaris seeds and in the stems of Erythrina…
PHASEOLIN n. a protein found in kidney beans.
PHASEOLINSphaseolins n. Plural of phaseolin.
PHASEOLIN n. a protein found in kidney beans.
PHRASEOLOGICphraseologic adj. Alternative form of phraseological.
PHRASEOLOGIC adj. expressed in formal often sententious phrases, also PHRASEOLOGICAL.
PHRASEOLOGICALphraseological adj. Of or pertaining to phraseology.
phraseological adj. Consisting of a peculiar form of words.
PHRASEOLOGICAL adj. expressed in formal often sententious phrases, also PHRASEOLOGIC.
PHRASEOLOGIESphraseologies n. Plural of phraseology.
PHRASEOLOGY n. the manner or style of expression in words.
PHRASEOLOGISTphraseologist n. A collector or coiner of phrases.
PHRASEOLOGIST n. one who uses sententious or insincere phrases.
PHRASEOLOGISTSphraseologists n. Plural of phraseologist.
PHRASEOLOGIST n. one who uses sententious or insincere phrases.
PHRASEOLOGYphraseology n. Study of set or fixed expressions.
phraseology n. The style in which words and phrases are used in writing or speech.
phraseology n. A group of specialized words and expressions used by a particular group.
ROSEOLAroseola n. (Pathology) A rosy rash occurring in measles, typhoid fever, syphilis and some other diseases.
roseola n. (Pathology) The common name for roseola infantum.
roseola n. (Pathology) German measles.
ROSEOLARroseolar adj. Relating to roseola.
ROSEOLAR adj. like roseola, a rash of rose-colored patches.
ROSEOLASroseolas n. Plural of roseola.
ROSEOLA n. a rose-coloured skin rash.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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