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There are 16 words containing SEBE

ROSEBEDrosebed n. A flowerbed where roses are grown.
ROSEBED n. a part of a garden where roses grow.
ROSEBEDSrosebeds n. Plural of rosebed.
ROSEBED n. a part of a garden where roses grow.
SEBESTENsebesten n. A medium-sized deciduous tree of species Cordia myxa or, less often, Cordia latifolia, Cordia sebestena…
sebesten n. The mucilaginous drupaceous fruit from these plants, eaten and used medicinally against pectoral diseases…
SEBESTEN n. (Arabic) an oriental tree; its edible plumlike fruit.
TSESSEBEtsessebe n. A large African antelope, Damaliscus lunatus (formerly Alcelaphus lunata), similar to the hartebeest…
TSESSEBE n. (Setswana) a kind of African antelope, also SASSABY.
HORSEBEANhorsebean n. Alternative form of horse bean.
horse␣bean n. Broad bean (Vicia faba var. equina).
HORSEBEAN n. a variety of broad bean.
NASEBERRYnaseberry n. The sapodilla fruit.
NASEBERRY n. an edible fruit, aka sapodilla, also NEESBERRY, NISBERRY.
PULSEBEATpulsebeat n. A continuous, regular rhythm; a pulse or heartbeat.
pulsebeat n. An intimation of an underlying sentiment etc.
PULSEBEAT n. the pulse.
SEBESTENSsebestens n. Plural of sebesten.
SEBESTEN n. (Arabic) an oriental tree; its edible plumlike fruit.
TSESSEBEStsessebes n. Plural of tsessebe.
TSESSEBE n. (Setswana) a kind of African antelope, also SASSABY.
CASEBEARERcasebearer n. Any casebearing moth.
CASEBEARER n. an insect larva that forms a protective coat of silk.
GOOSEBERRYgooseberry n. A fruit, Ribes uva-crispa, related to the currant.
gooseberry n. Any other plant or fruit in the subgenus Grossularia, distinguished from currants by bearing spines…
gooseberry n. Any of several other plants that are not closely related but bear fruit in some way similar…
HORSEBEANShorsebeans n. Plural of horsebean.
horse␣beans n. Plural of horse bean.
HORSEBEAN n. a variety of broad bean.
PULSEBEATSpulsebeats n. Plural of pulsebeat.
PULSEBEAT n. the pulse.
CASEBEARERScasebearers n. Plural of casebearer.
CASEBEARER n. an insect larva that forms a protective coat of silk.
NASEBERRIESnaseberries n. Plural of naseberry.
NASEBERRY n. an edible fruit, aka sapodilla, also NEESBERRY, NISBERRY.
GOOSEBERRIESgooseberries n. Plural of gooseberry.
GOOSEBERRY n. the small oval fruit (usually green) of the gooseberry-bush, a prickly shrub of the saxifrage family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 144 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 45 words

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