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There are 18 words containing SANE

SANEsane adj. Being in a healthy condition; not deranged; thinking rationally.
sane adj. Mentally sound; possessing a rational mind; having the mental faculties in such condition as to be able…
sane adj. Rational; reasonable; sensible.
SANEDSANE v. to make the sign of the cross on, also SAIN.
SANERsaner adj. Comparative form of sane: more sane.
Saner prop.n. A surname.
SANE adj. mentally sound.
SANESSANEs n. Plural of SANE.
SANE v. to make the sign of the cross on, also SAIN.
INSANEinsane adj. Exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind; not sane; utterly mad.
insane adj. Used by or relating to insane people.
insane adj. Causing insanity or madness.
SANELYsanely adv. In a sane manner; sensibly; logically; rationally.
SANE adv. mentally sound.
SANESTsanest adj. Superlative form of sane: most sane.
SANE adj. mentally sound.
TISANEtisane n. A medicinal drink, originally made from barley soaked in water.
TISANE n. an infusion of herbs or barley, also PTISAN.
INSANERinsaner adj. Comparative form of insane: more insane.
INSANE adj. mentally unsound.
TISANEStisanes n. Plural of tisane.
TISANE n. an infusion of herbs or barley, also PTISAN.
INSANELYinsanely adv. In an insane manner; not sanely.
insanely adv. To a great degree; very much.
INSANE adv. mentally unsound.
INSANESTinsanest adj. Superlative form of insane: most insane.
INSANE adj. mentally unsound.
SANENESSsaneness n. The property of being sane.
SANENESS n. sanity.
PENTOSANEpentosane n. Alternative form of pentosan.
PENTOSANE n. a complex carbohydrate found in cellulose, also PENTOSAN.
INSANENESSinsaneness n. Insanity; madness.
INSANENESS n. insanity, madness.
PENTOSANESpentosanes n. Plural of pentosane.
PENTOSANE n. a complex carbohydrate found in cellulose, also PENTOSAN.
INSANENESSESINSANENESS n. insanity, madness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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