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There are 12 words containing SAIR

SAIRSAIR adj. (Scots) sore, very.
SAIR v. to savour, also SAR.
SAIRSSAIR v. to savour, also SAR.
SAIREDSAIR v. to savour, also SAR.
SAIRERSAIR adj. (Scots) sore, very.
CORSAIRcorsair n. A French privateer, especially from the port of Saint-Malo.
corsair n. A privateer or pirate in general.
corsair n. The ship of privateers or pirates, especially of French nationality.
SAIRESTSAIR adj. (Scots) sore, very.
SAIRINGSAIR v. to savour, also SAR.
CORSAIRScorsairs n. Plural of corsair.
CORSAIR n. (historical) a privateersman of the Mediterranean, esp. the Barbary coast.
NECESSAIREnecessaire n. A small case for holding personal items, especially toiletries.
nécessaire n. Alternative spelling of necessaire.
NECESSAIRE n. (French) a dressing-table; a workbox.
COMMISSAIREcommissaire n. (Cycling) The judge of a bicycle race.
COMMISSAIRE n. in professional cycle racing, a referee who travels in an open-topped car with the riders to witness any infringement of the rules.
NECESSAIRESnecessaires n. Plural of necessaire.
nécessaires n. Plural of nécessaire.
NECESSAIRE n. (French) a dressing-table; a workbox.
COMMISSAIREScommissaires n. Plural of commissaire.
COMMISSAIRE n. in professional cycle racing, a referee who travels in an open-topped car with the riders to witness any infringement of the rules.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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