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There are 15 words containing SAGR

DESAGREMENTDESAGREMENT n. (French) something disagreeable.
DESAGREMENTSDESAGREMENT n. (French) something disagreeable.
DISAGREEdisagree v. (Intransitive) To fail to agree; to have a different opinion or belief.
disagree v. (Intransitive) To fail to conform or correspond with.
DISAGREE v. to differ in opinion.
DISAGREEABILITYdisagreeability n. The quality of being disagreeable.
DISAGREEABILITY n. the quality of being disagreeable.
DISAGREEABLEdisagreeable adj. Causing repugnance; unpleasant to the feelings or senses; displeasing.
disagreeable adj. (Archaic) Not suitable; that does not conform or fit.
disagreeable n. Something or someone displeasing; anything that is disagreeable.
DISAGREEABLESdisagreeables n. Plural of disagreeable.
DISAGREEABLE n. something causing discomfort.
DISAGREEABLYdisagreeably adv. In a disagreeable manner.
DISAGREEABLE adv. causing discomfort.
DISAGREEDdisagreed v. Simple past tense and past participle of disagree.
DISAGREE v. to differ in opinion.
DISAGREEINGdisagreeing v. Present participle of disagree.
disagreeing n. Disagreement.
DISAGREE v. to differ in opinion.
DISAGREEMENTdisagreement n. An argument or debate.
disagreement n. A condition of not agreeing or concurring.
DISAGREEMENT n. the act of disagreeing.
DISAGREEMENTSdisagreements n. Plural of disagreement.
DISAGREEMENT n. the act of disagreeing.
DISAGREESdisagrees v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disagree.
DISAGREE v. to differ in opinion.
KISSAGRAMkissagram n. Alternative form of kissogram.
KISSAGRAM n. a service whereby a kiss is delivered e.g. on someone's birthday by a kissagram girl, also KISSOGRAM.
KISSAGRAMSkissagrams n. Plural of kissagram.
KISSAGRAM n. a service whereby a kiss is delivered e.g. on someone's birthday by a kissagram girl, also KISSOGRAM.
SAGRADASAGRADA adj. (Spanish) as in cascara sagrada, dried bark of the cascara buckthorn, used as a purgative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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