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There are 15 nine-letter words containing SULA

CAPSULARYcapsulary adj. Archaic form of capsular.
CAPSULARY adj. of or pertaining to a capsule, also CAPSULAR.
CAPSULATEcapsulate adj. Encased, closed in by a capsule.
capsulate v. Alternative form of encapsulate.
CAPSULATE adj. contained in or made into a capsule, also CAPSULATED.
CLAUSULAEclausulae n. Plural of clausula.
CLAUSULA n. (Latin) a short clause ending a period in Latin prose.
CLAUSULARclausular adj. Consisting of, or having, clauses.
CLAUSULAR adj. consisting of, or having, clauses.
CONSULAGEconsulage n. A charge or duty paid to a consul.
CONSULAGE n. (historical) a duty or tax paid by merchants for the protection of their commerce by means of a consul in a foreign place.
CONSULARSconsulars n. Plural of consular.
CONSULAR n. a person holding the rank of consul.
CONSULATEconsulate n. Rule by consuls, as during most periods of the Roman Republic or in France between 1799 and 1804.
consulate n. The office of a consul, in its various senses.
consulate n. The term of office of a consul.
FOSSULATEfossulate adj. Having, or surrounded by, long, narrow depressions or furrows.
FOSSULATE adj. grooved; pitted.
GROSSULARgrossular adj. Relating to, or resembling, a gooseberry.
grossular n. (Mineralogy) A calcium-aluminium mineral of the garnet group.
GROSSULAR n. a garnet containing calcium and aluminium, occurring in grey, pinkish, or yellow-green crystals and used as a gemstone, also GROSSULARITE.
INSULANTSinsulants n. Plural of insulant.
INSULANT n. an insulating material.
INSULARLYinsularly adv. In an insular manner.
INSULAR adv. like an island.
INSULATEDinsulated adj. Protected from heat, cold, noise etc, by being surrounded with an insulating material.
insulated adj. Placed or set apart.
insulated adj. (Of an electrically conducting material) Isolated or separated from other conducting materials, or sources…
INSULATESinsulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of insulate.
INSULATE v. to isolate from connection.
INSULATORinsulator n. A substance that does not transmit heat (thermal insulator), sound (acoustic insulator) or electricity…
insulator n. A non-conductive structure, coating or device that does not transmit sound, heat or electricity (see image).
insulator n. A person who installs insulation.
PENINSULApeninsula n. (Geography) A piece of land projecting into water from a larger land mass.
PENINSULA n. a strip of land jutting out into water, a near-island.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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