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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing STIV

ADJUSTIVEadjustive adj. Tending to adjust.
ADJUSTIVE adj. tending to adjust.
AESTIVATEaestivate v. Alternative spelling of estivate.
æstivate v. Obsolete spelling of aestivate.
AESTIVATE v. to pass the summer in a state of torpor, also ESTIVATE.
ARRESTIVEarrestive adj. Tending to arrest.
ARRESTIVE adj. tending to arrest.
ASSISTIVEassistive adj. Providing or designed to provide assistance, especially to persons with a disability.
ASSISTIVE adj. providing a means of reducing a physical impairment.
COSTIVELYcostively adv. In a costive manner.
COSTIVE adv. affected with constipation, causing constipation.
DIGESTIVEdigestive adj. Of, relating to, or functioning in digestion.
digestive adj. That causes or promotes digestion.
digestive n. A substance that aids digestion.
ESTIVATEDestivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of estivate.
ESTIVATE v. to spend the summer in a torpid state, also AESTIVATE.
ESTIVATESestivates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of estivate.
ESTIVATE v. to spend the summer in a torpid state, also AESTIVATE.
ESTIVATORestivator n. (Biology) Any animal that estivates.
ESTIVATOR n. an animal that aestivates, also AESTIVATOR.
FESTIVALSfestivals n. Plural of festival.
FESTIVAL n. a time of celebration.
FESTIVELYfestively adv. In a festive manner.
FESTIVE adv. befitting a festival.
FESTIVITYfestivity n. (Often pluralized) A festival or similar celebration.
festivity n. An experience or expression of celebratory feeling, merriment, gaiety.
FESTIVITY n. conviviality, joyfulness.
FESTIVOUSfestivous adj. Pertaining to a feast; festive.
FESTIVOUS adj. (archaic) festive.
INGESTIVEingestive adj. Of or pertaining to ingestion.
INGESTIVE adj. relating to ingestion, the act of taking e.g. food into the body.
RESISTIVEresistive adj. (Rare) Tending to resist (against something or someone); resistant.
resistive adj. (Electronics) Acting as a resistor; resisting the passage of electrical current.
resistive adj. (Electronics) Of an electronic circuit: consisting only of resistors and power sources; having no inductance…
RESTIVELYrestively adv. In a restive manner.
RESTIVE adv. uneasy, as if ready to break from control.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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