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There are 15 nine-letter words containing SPOT

BESPOTTEDbespotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of bespot.
BESPOT v. to cover with spots.
BLACKSPOTblackspot n. Alternative form of black spot.
black␣spot n. (Phytopathology) A fungal disease among plants, particularly roses, that results in black spots on the leaves.
black␣spot n. (Transport) A section of roadway that has been designated as being particularly accident-prone.
DESPOTATEdespotate n. (Historical) An area ruled by a despot (δεσπότης) in the late Byzantine Balkans (12th to 15th centuries).
DESPOTATE n. a territory governed by a despot, also DESPOTAT.
DESPOTATSdespotats n. Plural of despotat.
DESPOTAT n. a territory governed by a despot, also DESPOTATE.
DESPOTISMdespotism n. Government by a singular authority, either a single person or tight-knit group, which rules with absolute…
DESPOTISM n. absolute power; a state governed by a despot.
HEATSPOTSheatspots n. Plural of heatspot.
HEATSPOT n. a spot or blotch on the skin caused by heat.
HIGHSPOTShighspots n. Plural of highspot.
HIGHSPOT n. a high point.
NIGHTSPOTnightspot n. An establishment that is open late at night, especially one that provides entertainment, such as a nightclub.
night␣spot n. Alternative spelling of nightspot.
NIGHTSPOT n. a nightclub.
RESPOTTEDrespotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of respot.
RESPOT v. to spot again.
SPOTLIGHTspotlight n. A bright, directional light or lamp, especially one used to illuminate the focus or center of attention on a stage.
spotlight n. (By extension) The circle of light shed by a spotlight.
spotlight n. (Figurative) The center of attention; the highlight or most important part.
SPOTTABLEspottable adj. Capable of being spotted (seen or noticed).
SPOTTABLE adj. that can be spotted.
SPOTTIESTspottiest adj. Superlative form of spotty: most spotty.
SPOTTY adj. marked with spots.
SPOTTINGSspottings n. Plural of spotting.
SPOTTING n. the act of spotting.
STARSPOTSstarspots n. Plural of starspot.
STARSPOT n. an area of darkness on a star.
UNSPOTTEDunspotted adj. Not having spots.
unspotted adj. Unseen.
unspotted adj. (Figurative) Without stains or blots; sinless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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