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There are 19 nine-letter words containing SORI

CENSORIALcensorial adj. Relating to a censor.
CENSORIAL adj. pertaining to a censor, or to the correction of public morals, also CENSORIAN.
CENSORIANcensorian adj. Alternative form of censorial.
CENSORIAN adj. pertaining to a censor, or to the correction of public morals, also CENSORIAL.
CENSORINGcensoring v. Present participle of censor.
censoring n. An act of censorship.
CENSOR v. to delete a word or passage.
CURSORIALcursorial adj. (Zoology) Adapted for running.
cursorial adj. (Zoology) Having legs fitted for running.
cursorial n. Such an animal.
CURSORILYcursorily adv. In a cursory manner.
CURSORY adv. hasty and superficial.
DISORIENTdisorient v. To cause to lose orientation or direction.
disorient v. To confuse or befuddle.
DISORIENT v. to confuse as to direction.
FOSSORIALfossorial adj. (Zoology) Of, pertaining to, or adapted for digging or burrowing.
fossorial n. (Zoology) Any digging animal (such as a mole).
FOSSORIAL adj. adapted for burrowing or digging, e.g. of claws.
INFUSORIAinfusoria n. Plural of infusorium.
Infusoria prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic class within the kingdom Protozoa – minute organisms, such as monads, Acinetae…
INFUSORIA n. a class of protozoa found in stagnant water.
MISORIENTmisorient v. To orient badly or wrongly.
MISORIENT v. to orient in a wrong direction.
PSORIASESpsoriases n. Plural of psoriasis.
PSORIASIS n. the state of being affected with psora, a cutaneous disease.
PSORIASISpsoriasis n. (Pathology) A noncontagious disease whose main symptom is gray or silvery flaky patches on the skin…
PSORIASIS n. the state of being affected with psora, a cutaneous disease.
PSORIATICpsoriatic adj. (Dermatology, pathology) Of, pertaining to or suffering from psoriasis.
psoriatic n. An individual who has psoriasis.
PSORIATIC adj. suffering from psoriasis.
SENSORIALsensorial adj. Of or pertaining to sensation or the senses; sensory.
SENSORIAL adj. related to the sensorium.
SENSORILYsensorily adv. In a sensory manner.
SENSORY adv. pertaining to the senses or sensation.
SENSORIUMsensorium n. (Psychology) The entire sensory apparatus of an organism.
sensorium n. (Physiology) The central part of a nervous system that receives and coordinates all stimuli.
sensorium n. (Figurative) The brain or mind in relation to the senses.
SORITICALsoritical adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a sorites.
SORITICAL adj. relating to sorites, a string of statements where the end of one is the subject of the next, also SORITIC.
TENSORIALtensorial adj. (Mathematics) of or pertaining to a tensor.
TENSORIAL adj. relating to a tensor, a muscle that stretches a part, or renders it tense.
TONSORIALtonsorial adj. (Humorous) Relating to barbering, shaving, or hairdressing.
TONSORIAL adj. relating to a barber or a barber's work.
UREDOSORIuredosori n. Plural of uredosorus.
UREDOSORUS n. a pustule producing and containing uredospores.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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