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There are 15 nine-letter words containing SINS

ABSCISINSabscisins n. Plural of abscisin.
ABSCISIN n. abscisic acid, a plant hormone which triggers the fall of autumn leaves in certain trees, also ABSCISSIN, DORMIN.
ANCHUSINSANCHUSIN n. a red dye obtained from alkanet root.
ASSASSINSassassins n. Plural of assassin.
ASSASSIN n. a murderer.
BOMBESINSbombesins n. Plural of bombesin.
BOMBESIN n. a hormone partly responsible for regulating appetite.
CHYMOSINSchymosins n. Plural of chymosin.
CHYMOSIN n. rennin.
DAMASSINSdamassins n. Plural of damassin.
DAMASSIN n. a kind of modified damask or brocade.
IODOPSINSiodopsins n. Plural of iodopsin.
IODOPSIN n. a light sensitive pigment in retinal cones.
LEUCOSINSleucosins n. Plural of leucosin.
LEUCOSIN n. a cereal albumen.
MOCASSINSmocassins n. Plural of mocassin.
MOCASSIN n. (Native American) a heelless shoe of deerskin or other soft leather, also MOCCASIN.
MOCCASINSmoccasins n. Plural of moccasin.
MOCCASIN n. (Native American) a heelless shoe of deerskin or other soft leather, also MOCASSIN.
NIGROSINSnigrosins n. Plural of nigrosin.
NIGROSIN n. a blackish coal-tar colour dye, also NIGROSINE.
SARRASINSsarrasins n. Plural of sarrasin.
SARRASIN n. (French) buckwheat, also SARRAZIN.
STEAPSINSsteapsins n. Plural of steapsin.
STEAPSIN n. an enzyme present in pancreatic juice, aka lipase.
SUBBASINSsubbasins n. Plural of subbasin.
SUBBASIN n. a section of an area drained by a river.
THYMOSINSthymosins n. Plural of thymosin.
THYMOSIN n. a hormone secreted by the thymus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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