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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing SILE

BASILECTSbasilects n. Plural of basilect.
BASILECT n. the least prestigious language of an area.
BRASILEINbrasilein n. Alternative form of brazilein.
BRASILEIN n. a dyestuff obtained by the oxidation of brasilin, also BRASILIN, BRAZILEIN, BRAZILIN.
EXPANSILEexpansile adj. Expansionary, relating to expansion.
expansile adj. Expandable, which can be expanded.
EXPANSILE adj. expansible.
EXTENSILEextensile adj. Extensible.
EXTRUSILEEXTRUSILE adj. capable of being extruded.
FUSILEERSfusileers n. Plural of fusileer.
FUSILEER n. a soldier armed with a fusil, also FUSILIER.
MISSILEERmissileer n. One who launches missiles.
missileer n. One who designs or works with missiles.
MISSILEER n. one responsible for the firing of missiles.
MISSILERYmissilery n. The science of missiles.
MISSILERY n. missiles collectively, also MISSILRY.
SILENCERSsilencers n. Plural of silencer.
SILENCER n. one that silences.
SILENCINGsilencing v. Present participle of silence.
silencing n. The act by which something is silenced.
silencing n. (Genetics) The prevention of the expression of a gene.
SILENTESTsilentest adj. Superlative form of silent: most silent.
SILENT adj. without sound.
TENSILELYtensilely adv. In a tensile manner.
TENSILE adv. of or relating to stretching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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