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There are 11 nine-letter words containing SATE

AGLOSSATEAGLOSSATE adj. relating to aglossia, the congenital lack of a tongue, also AGLOSSAL.
DECUSSATEdecussate adj. Crossed; intersected; resembling a letter X.
decussate adj. (Zoology) Having anatomical structures or markings crossing each other, typically in an X shape or at right angles.
decussate adj. (Botany) Having opposite leaves arranged alternately at right angles.
DIALYSATEdialysate n. The material that passes through a membrane during dialysis.
dialysate n. The material that does not pass through a membrane during dialysis.
dialysate n. The fluid used on the other side of the membrane during dialysis.
INSENSATEinsensate adj. Having no sensation or consciousness; unconscious; inanimate.
insensate adj. Senseless; foolish; irrational.
insensate adj. Unfeeling, heartless, cruel, insensitive.
INTENSATEintensate v. (Transitive) To intensify.
INTENSATE v. to intensify.
PERFUSATEperfusate n. The fluid used in perfusion.
PERFUSATE n. that which is perfused.
PERTUSATEpertusate adj. (Botany) Pierced at the apex.
PERTUSATE adj. pierced at the apex.
PROSATEURprosateur n. A writer of French prose.
PROSATEUR n. (French) one who writes prose for a living.
SATEDNESSsatedness n. The property of being sated.
SATEDNESS n. the state of being sated.
SATELLITEsatellite n. A moon or other smaller body orbiting a larger one.
satellite n. A man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body, generally to relay information…
satellite n. A country, state, office, building etc. which is under the jurisdiction, influence, or domination of another body.
SENSATELYsensately adv. In a sensate manner.
SENSATE adv. felt through the senses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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