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There are 17 nine-letter words containing SANT

ACCUSANTSaccusants n. Plural of accusant.
ACCUSANT n. an accuser.
CHRYSANTHchrysanth n. (Informal, especially in the plural) Clipping of chrysanthemum.
CHRYSANTH n. (colloquial) a chrysanthemum.
COGNISANTcognisant adj. Alternative spelling of cognizant.
COGNISANT adj. aware, conscious of, also COGNIZANT.
CORPOSANTcorposant n. An electrical discharge accompanied by a corona of ionization in the surrounding atmosphere.
CORPOSANT n. St Elmo's fire or similar electrical discharge.
CROISSANTcroissant n. A flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent.
CROISSANT n. (French) a crescent-shaped roll.
INCESSANTincessant adj. Without pause or stop; not ending, especially to the point of annoyance.
INCESSANT adj. unceasing, also UNCESSANT.
MARXISANTmarxisant adj. Somewhat Marxist; tending toward Marxism.
MARXISANT adj. (French) of Marxist sympathies.
PEASANTRYpeasantry n. (Historical) Impoverished rural farm workers, either as serfs, small freeholders or hired hands.
peasantry n. Ignorant people of the lowest social status; bumpkins, rustics.
PEASANTRY n. peasants as a class; the condition or quality of a peasant.
PHEASANTSpheasants n. Plural of pheasant.
PHEASANT n. a large, long-tailed bird.
RECUSANTSrecusants n. Plural of recusant.
RECUSANT n. one who refuses to accept established authority.
SANTALINSsantalins n. Plural of santalin.
SANTALIN n. colouring matter.
SANTALOLSsantalols n. Plural of santalol.
SANTALOL n. sandalwood oil.
SANTERIASSANTERIA n. (Spanish) a Caribbean religion composed of elements from both traditional African religion and Roman Catholicism.
SANTOLINAsantolina n. (Botany) Any of the genus Santolina of evergreen shrubs in the sunflower family.
SANTOLINA n. a genus of fragrant Mediterranean shrubs.
SANTONICAsantonica n. An Asian plant (Seriphidium cinum, syn. Artemisia cina), related to wormwood, which has been used since…
SANTONICA n. the dried unexpanded flower-heads of a species of wormwood.
SANTONINSsantonins n. Plural of santonin.
SANTONIN n. an anthelminthic extracted from santonica.
UNCESSANTuncessant adj. Obsolete form of incessant.
UNCESSANT adj. (Milton) incessant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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