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There are 14 nine-letter words containing SANC

BRISANCESbrisances n. Plural of brisance.
BRISANCE n. (French) the shattering or crushing effect of an explosion.
DISANCHORdisanchor v. (Obsolete, transitive, intransitive) To raise the anchor of, as a ship; to weigh anchor.
DISANCHOR v. to raise the anchor, as of a ship.
FEASANCESfeasances n. Plural of feasance.
FEASANCE n. the performance of a condition, obligation or duty.
JOUISANCEjouisance n. Obsolete spelling of jouissance.
JOUISANCE n. (Spenser) joyousness, also JOUYSAUNCE, JOVYSAUNCE.
NAISSANCE-naissance suff. Signifying the rebirth of one’s career.
NAISSANCE n. (French) birth.
NUISANCERnuisancer n. (Law) One who makes or causes a nuisance.
NUISANCER n. one who makes or causes a nuisance.
NUISANCESnuisances n. Plural of nuisance.
NUISANCE n. a source of annoyance.
OBEISANCEobeisance n. Demonstration of an obedient attitude, especially by bowing deeply; a deep bow which demonstrates such an attitude.
obeisance n. An obedient attitude.
OBEISANCE n. a bow or curtsey, a paying of homage.
PLEASANCEpleasance n. A pleasure ground laid out with shady walks, trees and shrubs, statuary, and ornamental water; a secluded…
pleasance n. (Obsolete) Willingness to please, or the action of pleasing; courtesy.
pleasance n. (Obsolete) The feeling of being pleased; pleasure, delight.
PUISSANCEpuissance n. Power, might or potency.
puissance n. (Equestrianism) Often Puissance: the high-jump component of the sport of show jumping.
Puissance n. (Equestrianism) Alternative letter-case form of puissance.
RECUSANCErecusance n. Alternative form of recusancy.
RECUSANCE n. the state of being recusant, one who refuses to attend Catholic church services, also RECUSANCY.
RECUSANCYrecusancy n. Obstinate refusal or opposition.
recusancy n. The state of being a recusant; nonconformity.
RECUSANCY n. the state of being recusant, one who refuses to attend Catholic church services, also RECUSANCE.
SANCTIONSsanctions n. Plural of sanction.
sanctions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sanction.
SANCTION v. to authorize.
SANCTUARYsanctuary n. A place of safety, refuge, or protection.
sanctuary n. An area set aside for protection.
sanctuary n. A state of being protected, asylum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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