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There are 14 nine-letter words containing SALA

DHARMSALAdharmsala n. (Historical, India) A charitable or religious house, especially a resthouse for travellers.
DHARMSALA n. (Hindi) a building having a religious or charitable purpose, a free or cheap lodging for travellers, also DHARMSHALA.
RESALABLEresalable adj. Capable of being resold.
RESALABLE adj. that can be resold.
SALAAMINGsalaaming v. Present participle of salaam.
SALAAM v. (Arabic) to make a salaam, a low bow.
SALACIOUSsalacious adj. Promoting sexual desire or lust.
salacious adj. Lascivious, bawdy, obscene, lewd.
SALACIOUS adj. indecently erotic, lecherous.
SALADANGSSALADANG n. (Malay) a kind of wild ox, also SELADANG, SLADANG.
SALADINGSsaladings n. Plural of salading.
SALADING n. ingredients for a salad.
SALANGANEsalangane n. Any of various swiftlets which produce edible nests.
SALANGANE n. (Tagalog) a swiftlet that builds edible nests.
SALARIATSsalariats n. Plural of salariat.
SALARIAT n. (French) the class of salaried persons.
SALARYINGsalarying v. Present participle of salary.
SALARY v. to pay periodically for nonmanual labour.
SALARYMANsalaryman n. An employee, a worker; now especially a Japanese white-collar worker who works long hours and has an…
SALARYMAN n. in Japan, an office worker.
SALARYMENsalarymen n. Plural of salaryman.
SALARYMAN n. in Japan, an office worker.
UNSALABLEunsalable n. (US) Something that cannot be sold.
unsalable adj. Not salable; unmerchantable.
UNSALABLE adj. that cannot be sold, also UNSALEABLE.
UNSALABLYUNSALABLE adv. that cannot be sold, also UNSALEABLE.
VASSALAGEvassalage n. The state of being a vassal.
VASSALAGE n. the state of being a vassal, or feudatory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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