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There are 14 eight-letter words containing STES

ARTISTESartistes n. Plural of artiste.
ARTISTE n. (French) a performing artist; a professional singer, dancer, actor, etc.
AUGUSTESaugustes n. Plural of auguste.
AUGUSTE n. (French) a circus clown of the white-faced, bungling type.
BATISTESbatistes n. Plural of batiste.
Batistes prop.n. Plural of Batiste.
BATISTE n. (French) a fine fabric of linen, cotton or wool.
CELESTEScelestes n. Plural of celeste.
CELESTE n. (French) a keyboard instrument, also CELESTA.
CERASTEScerastes n. (Mythology) A very flexible horned serpent in Greek legend, said to have no spine and to hide its head…
Cerastes prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Viperidae – certain small venomous vipers found in the deserts and…
CERASTES n. (Greek) any venomous viper of the genus Cerastes, esp. the horned viper.
CHASTESTchastest adj. Superlative form of chaste: most chaste.
CHASTE adj. sexually virtuous.
IMPASTESimpastes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impaste.
IMPASTE v. to lay colours on thickly.
MESTESOSMESTESO n. (Spanish) a person of mixed ancestry, also MESTIZO, MESTINO.
MODISTESmodistes n. Plural of modiste.
MODISTE n. (French) a dealer in stylish women's clothing.
MOISTESTmoistest adj. Superlative form of moist: most moist.
moistest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of moist.
MOIST adj. slightly wet.
MOSTESTSMOSTEST n. (facetious) the most.
NAMASTESnamastes n. Plural of namaste.
NAMASTE n. (Sanskrit) a traditional Indian salutation, a slight bow with the palms pressed together, also NAMASKAR.
RETASTESretastes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retaste.
RETASTE v. to taste again.
RIPOSTESripostes n. Plural of riposte.
ripostes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of riposte.
RIPOSTE v. (French) to make a return thrust in fencing, also RIPOST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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