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There are 14 eight-letter words containing SSET

BASSETEDbasseted v. Simple past tense and past participle of basset.
BASSET v. to outcrop, also BASSETT.
BASSETTSbassetts n. Plural of bassett.
bassetts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bassett.
BASSETT v. to outcrop, also BASSET.
BRASSETSbrassets n. Plural of brasset.
BRASSET n. a piece of armour for the arm.
CASSETTEcassette n. A small flat case containing magnetic tape on two reels, used to record and play back audio and video material.
cassette n. Any similar small cartridge, such as for a computer disk or cassette air conditioner.
cassette n. (Photography) A lightproof container for photographic film.
COSSETEDcosseted adj. Pampered.
cosseted v. Simple past tense and past participle of cosset.
COSSET v. to fondle or pamper.
CRESSETScressets n. Plural of cresset.
CRESSET n. (historical) an iron basket for burning oil to provide light.
FOSSETTEfossette n. A little hollow; a dimple.
fossette n. (Medicine) A small, deep-centred ulcer of the transparent cornea.
fossette n. (Dentistry) A small depression in the crown of a tooth.
GUSSETEDgusseted adj. Reinforced with a gusset.
GUSSET v. to furnish with a reinforcing piece of material.
KNESSETSKNESSET n. (Hebrew) the Israeli parliament.
MASSETERmasseter n. (Anatomy) The large muscle which runs through the rear part of the cheek from the temporal bone to the…
MASSETER n. a muscle that raises the lower jaw.
OSSETERSosseters n. Plural of osseter.
OSSETER n. (Russian) a species of sturgeon.
OSSETRASOSSETRA n. (Russian) a type of caviar, also OSETRA.
POSSETEDposseted v. Simple past tense and past participle of posset.
POSSET v. to curdle.
RUSSETEDrusseted adj. (Botany) Having a rough skin that is reddish-brown or greyish; russet.
russeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of russet.
RUSSET v. to become reddish brown in colour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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