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There are 15 eight-letter words containing SPIE

BONSPIELbonspiel n. A tournament in the sport of curling.
BONSPIEL n. (Scots) a curling match between clubs, also BONSPELL.
CARSPIELCARSPIEL n. a curling match in which curlers compete for a car.
CRISPIERcrispier adj. Comparative form of crispy: more crispy.
CRISPY adj. crisp in texture.
CRISPIEScrispies n. Plural of crispy.
CRISPIES n. as in rice crispies, puffed grains of rice, eaten esp. as breakfast cereal.
CUSPIESTcuspiest adj. Superlative form of cuspy: most cuspy.
CUSPY adj. of a computer program, well written and easy to use.
ESPIEGLEESPIEGLE adj. (French) roguish, frolicsome.
GASPIESTgaspiest adj. Superlative form of gaspy: most gaspy.
GASPY adj. gasping.
RASPIESTraspiest adj. Superlative form of raspy: most raspy.
RASPY adj. rough.
SPIEGELSSpiegels prop.n. Plural of Spiegel.
SPIEGEL n. (German) an iron alloy used in the Bessemer process, also SPIEGELEISEN.
SPIELERSspielers n. Plural of spieler.
SPIELER n. a swindler or cardsharper; a gambling den.
SPIELINGspieling v. Present participle of spiel.
SPIEL v. to talk at length.
SPIERINGSpiering prop.n. A surname.
SPIER v. (Scots) to ask, also SPEER, SPEIR.
UNESPIEDunespied adj. Not espied or having been espied; unseen, unnoticed.
UNESPIED adj. not espied.
WASPIESTwaspiest adj. Superlative form of waspy: most waspy.
WASPiest adj. Superlative form of WASPy: most WASPy.
WASPY adj. like a wasp, waspish.
WISPIESTwispiest adj. Superlative form of wispy: most wispy.
WISPY adj. like a wisp, also WISPISH, WISPLIKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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