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There are 9 seven-letter words containing STOC

CASTOCKcastock n. The stalk of kale or cabbage.
CASTOCK n. (Scots) a cabbage stock, also CUSTOCK.
CUSTOCKCUSTOCK n. (Scots) a cabbage stock, also CASTOCK.
DESTOCKdestock v. To reduce the amount of stock held (by a retail establishment).
DESTOCK v. to reduce the stock level.
FUSTOCSFUSTOC n. (French) the wood of a tree growing in the West Indies, used in dyeing yellow, also FUSTET, FUSTIC.
NOSTOCSnostocs n. Plural of nostoc.
NOSTOC n. a blue-green alga.
RESTOCKrestock v. To stock again; to resupply with a stock of goods.
restock n. The act of stocking again.
RESTOCK v. to stock again.
STOCKEDstocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of stock.
stocked adj. Having been replenished with stock.
STOCK v. to keep for future sale or use.
STOCKERstocker n. (Agriculture) livestock that is wintered and then sold in the spring; often contrasted with a feeder…
stocker n. (Automotive) A racecar in certain classes of auto racing whose origins are nominally or notionally related…
stocker n. One who crafts gun stocks.
UNSTOCKunstock v. (Transitive) To remove the stock (supply of goods) from; to empty of goods.
unstock v. (Transitive) To remove the stock (block or support) from; to release from that which fixes in place.
unstock v. (Transitive) To remove (A ship etc.) from the stocks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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