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There are 13 seven-letter words containing STEM

DIASTEMdiastem n. Intervening space; interval.
diastem n. (Obsolete, music) An interval.
diastem n. (Geology) A minor depositional break.
RESTEMSrestems v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of restem.
RESTEM v. (Shakespeare) to force against the current.
STEMBOKstembok n. Alternative spelling of steenbok.
STEMBOK n. (South African) a small South African antelope, also STEENBOK, STEENBUCK, STEINBOCK, STEINBOK, STEMBUCK.
STEMINGsteming v. Present participle of steme.
STEME v. (archaic) to steam, evaporate.
STEMLETstemlet n. A little stem.
STEMLET n. a small stem.
STEMMASstemmas n. Plural of stemma.
STEMMA n. (Greek) a diagram representing a reconstruction of the interrelationships between surviving witnesses in the (esp. manuscript) tradition of a text.
STEMMEDstemmed adj. Having a stem.
stemmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of stem.
STEMME v. (Spenser) to encircle.
STEMMERstemmer n. (Computing, linguistics) Software used to produce the stem from the inflected form of words.
STEMMER n. a metal bar used to tamp down a charge in a blasting hole.
STEMMESstemmes n. Plural of stemme.
STEMME v. (Spenser) to encircle.
STEMPELstempel n. (Mining) A shelf set into a mineshaft for storing waste material, or for use as a step or support.
Stempel prop.n. A surname from German.
STEMPEL n. (German) a cross-timber in a shaft, also STEMPLE.
STEMPLEstemple n. (Mining) Alternative form of stempel.
Stemple prop.n. A surname.
STEMPLE n. a cross-timber in a shaft, also STEMPEL.
STEMSONstemson n. (Nautical) A piece of curved timber bolted to the stem, keelson, and apron in a ship’s frame near the bow.
STEMSON n. a supporting timber of a ship.
SYSTEMSsystems n. Plural of system.
SYSTEM n. a group of interacting elements forming a unified whole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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