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There are 7 seven-letter words containing STAD

STADDASstaddas n. Plural of stadda.
STADDA n. a comb-maker's double-bladed handsaw.
STADDLEstaddle n. (Archaic) A prop or support; a staff, crutch.
staddle n. The lower part or supporting frame of a stack, a stack-stand.
staddle n. Any supporting framework or base.
STADIALstadial adj. (Geology) Pertaining to a glacial stade.
stadial adj. (Archaeology, sociology) Pertaining to or existing in successive stages of a given culture, society etc.
stadial n. (Geology) A short, colder period within an interglacial; a stade.
STADIASSTADIA n. a graduated rod used in measuring distances.
STADIUMstadium n. A venue where sporting events are held.
stadium n. An Ancient Greek racecourse, especially, the Olympic course for foot races.
stadium n. (Historical) Synonym of stadion, a Greek unit of length equivalent to about 185 m.
TOSTADAtostada n. (Often in the plural) A flat tortilla that has been fried or toasted, or a dish based on this. Usually…
tostada n. (Southern California) A bowl-shaped tortilla that has been fried and filled with various ingredients.
TOSTADA n. (Spanish) a tortilla fried until crisp with a savoury topping, also TOSTADO.
TOSTADOtostado n. (Uncountable) Toasted corn kernels, eaten as a snack.
tostado n. (Uncountable, US, Southwest) Toast.
tostado n. (Countable) A fried corn tortilla; tostada.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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