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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 6 seven-letter words containing SSIA

CASSIAScassias n. Plural of cassia.
CASSIA n. a relative of the cinnamon tree.
HESSIANhessian n. A strong, coarse fabric made from hemp or jute, often used for making sacks.
Hessian adj. Of, from or relating to Hesse in Germany.
Hessian adj. Of or relating to the German mathematician Otto Hesse (1811–1874).
MESSIAHmessiah n. (Abrahamic tradition) The one who is ordained by God to lead the people of Israel, believed by Christians…
messiah n. (Religion, loosely) A similar religious figure or awaited divine ruler, such as the Islamic Mahdi.
messiah n. (Figuratively) An extremely powerful figure.
MESSIASMessias prop.n. (Obsolete) The Messiah.
MESSIAS n. (Greek) an expected liberator, also MESSIAH.
QUASSIAquassia n. Any of several tropic trees, of the genus Quassia, having scarlet flowers.
quassia n. The bitter substance quassin extracted from its bark.
QUASSIA n. the bitter wood of several tropical American trees, used in medicine and sometimes as a substitute for hops in making beer.
RUSSIASRussias prop.n. (Chiefly historical) The East Slavic states descended from the Rus collectively, typically including…
Russias n. Plural of Russia.
RUSSIA n. a fine brownish-red leather impregnated with birch tar oil, used esp. in bookbinding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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