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There are 18 seven-letter words containing SSEL

CHESSELchessel n. A mould in which curds are placed before being pressed to remove the whey; subsequently the chessel…
CHESSEL n. a cheese-mould.
DOSSELSdossels n. Plural of dossel.
DOSSEL n. an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DORSEL, DORSER, DOSSAL.
HASSELSHassels prop.n. Plural of Hassel.
HASSEL n. an argument, also HASSLE.
HISSELFhisself pron. (Now chiefly dialectal or informal) Himself.
HISSELF pron. (dialect) himself.
KISSELSkissels n. Plural of kissel.
Kissels prop.n. Plural of Kissel.
KISSEL n. (Russian) thickened fruit puree dessert.
MISSELLmissell v. (Transitive) To sell something wrongly or fraudulently.
missell adj. Obsolete form of mesel in its various senses.
missell n. Obsolete form of mesel in its various senses.
MISSELSmissels n. Plural of missel.
MISSEL n. the mistle-thrush.
MUSSELSmussels n. Plural of mussel.
MUSSEL n. any of various marine bivalves, also MUSKLE.
OSSELETosselet n. A little bone.
osselet n. (Zoology) The internal bone, or shell, of a cuttlefish.
osselet n. A hard substance growing on the inside of a horse’s knee.
PASSELSpassels n. Plural of passel.
PASSEL n. a large number.
PUSSELSpussels n. Plural of pussel.
PUSSEL n. (Shakespeare) a slut, also PUCELLE, PUZEL, PUZZEL.
RUSSELSrussels n. Plural of russel.
RUSSEL n. a ribbed cotton and woollen material.
SCISSELscissel n. Metal scraps or clippings; especially the remains of fillets from which coin blanks have been cut.
SCISSEL n. metal clippings, scrap metal, also SCISSIL, SIZEL.
TASSELLtassell n. Obsolete form of tiercel.
TASSELStassels n. Plural of tassel.
TASSEL v. to adorn with dangling ornaments.
TASSELYtassely adj. Alternative form of tasselly.
TASSELY adj. decorated with tassels.
TRESSELtressel n. Dated spelling of trestle.
TRESSEL n. a support consisting of a horizontal beam and sloping legs, also TREST, TRESTLE.
VESSELSvessels n. Plural of vessel.
vessels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vessel.
VESSEL n. a craft for travelling on water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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