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There are 12 seven-letter words containing SOLE

ANISOLEanisole n. (Organic chemistry) The aromatic ether methoxybenzene; it is used in perfumery and in organic synthesis;…
ANISOLE n. a colourless liquid ether.
CONSOLEconsole n. A stand-alone cabinet designed to stand on the floor; especially, one integrated with home entertainment…
console n. A desk-like cabinet, table, or stand upon which controls, instruments, and displays are mounted.
console n. An instrument with displays and an input device that is used to monitor and control an electronic system.
INSOLESinsoles n. Plural of insole.
insoles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of insole.
INSOLE n. the inner sole of a shoe or boot.
ISOLEADisolead n. (Rare) On a ballistic graph, a curve used to calculate the trajectory needed to hit a moving target.
ISOLEAD n. a line on a ballistic graph.
MIDSOLEmidsole n. The layer of a shoe in between the outsole and insole, typically there for shock absorption.
MIDSOLE n. the middle layer of the sole of a shoe.
OUTSOLEoutsole n. The underside of a shoe or other footwear, which makes contact with the floor.
outsole v. (Transitive) To fit (footwear) with an outsole.
OUTSOLE n. the outer sole of a boot or shoe.
POSOLESposoles n. Plural of posole.
POSOLE n. a thick soup made of pork, corn, garlic, and chili, also POZOLE.
RESOLEDresoled v. Simple past tense and past participle of resole.
RESOLE v. to put on new soles.
RESOLESresoles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resole.
RESOLE v. to put on new soles.
RISSOLErissole n. A ball of meat, some variants covered in pastry, which has been fried or barbecued.
rissole n. (Australia, slang) An RSL club.
rissole v. (Cooking) To turn (meat) into a rissole or rissoles.
SOLERASsoleras n. Plural of solera.
SOLERA n. (Spanish) a system of sherry production involving the blending of wines from different casks.
SOLERETsoleret n. (Historical) A metal shoe made from plates of armor.
SOLERET n. a metallic pointy toed shoe worn by knights, aka sabaton, also SOLLERET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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