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There are 15 seven-letter words containing SEST

BASSESTbassest adj. Superlative form of bass: most bass.
BASS adj. of a voice, low in pitch.
BOSSESTBOSS adj. excellent.
CLOSESTclosest adj. Superlative form of close: most close.
closest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of close.
CLOSE adj. near.
DENSESTdensest adj. Superlative form of dense: most dense.
DENSE adj. compact.
FALSESTfalsest adj. Superlative form of false: most false.
FALSE adj. not genuine.
LOOSESTloosest adj. Superlative form of loose: most loose.
LOOSE adj. slack.
LOWSESTLOWSE adj. (Scots) loose.
OBESESTobesest adj. Superlative form of obese: most obese.
OBESE adj. very fat.
SESTETSsestets n. Plural of sestet.
SESTET n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTETT, SESTETTE, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTETTsestett n. Archaic form of sestet.
SESTETT n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTET, SESTETTE, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTINAsestina n. (Poetry) A highly structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a tercet or envoy…
sestina n. (Music) A chord comprising the first six members of the harmonic series.
SESTINA n. (Italian) an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas, also SESTINE, SEXTAIN.
SESTINEsestine n. (Poetry) A sextain.
SESTINE n. an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas, also SESTINA, SEXTAIN.
SESTONSsestons n. Plural of seston.
SESTON n. (Greek) a very small plankton organism.
TENSESTtensest adj. Superlative form of tense: most tense.
TENSE adj. taut.
TERSESTtersest adj. Superlative form of terse: most terse.
TERSE adj. succinct.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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