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There are 11 seven-letter words containing SERI

ESERINEeserine n. (Chemistry) An alkaloid C₁₅H₂₁N₃O₂, originally extracted from the Calabar bean.
ESERINE n. an alkaloid found in the Calabar bean, used in ophthalmic surgery for its effect in contracting the pupil.
SERIALSserials n. Plural of serial.
SERIAL n. a literary or dramatic work presented in successive installments.
SERIATEseriate v. (Transitive) To arrange in serial order.
seriate adj. Arranged in serial order.
SERIATE adj. arranged in a series or rows.
SERICINsericin n. A water-soluble glycoprotein that binds the two fibroin filaments of a silk fibre.
SERICIN n. the gelatinous protein found in raw silk.
SERICONsericon n. (Obsolete) A red tincture in alchemy.
SERICON n. a conjectural red or black tincture in alchemy.
SERIEMAseriema n. Either of two species of bird in the family Cariamidae, endemic to South America.
SERIEMA n. (Tupi) a large South American bird related to the cranes, also CARIAMA.
SERIFEDserifed adj. Having serifs.
SERIFED adj. with a serif, a decorative stroke at the foot of a letter, also SERIFFED.
SERINESserines n. Plural of serine.
SERINE n. a polar amino acid found in protein and synthesized in the body.
SERINGAseringa n. A rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis).
SERINGA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian tree yielding rubber.
SERIOUSserious adj. Without humor or expression of happiness; grave in manner or disposition.
serious adj. Important; weighty; not insignificant.
serious adj. Really intending what is said (or planned, etc); in earnest; not jocular or deceiving.
SERIPHSseriphs n. Plural of seriph.
SERIPH n. a decorative stroke at the foot of a letter, also CERIPH, SERIF.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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