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There are 18 seven-letter words containing SENS

BUNSENSBunsens n. Plural of Bunsen.
BUNSEN n. a type of gas-burner used in laboratories.
COOSENScoosens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coosen.
COOSEN v. to cheat, also COZEN, COOSIN.
GIPSENSGIPSEN n. (Spenser) a gypsy.
HAUSENShausens n. Plural of hausen.
HAUSEN n. (German) a large sturgeon from the region of the Black Sea, aka beluga.
LESSENSlessens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lessen.
LESSEN v. to make or become less.
LOOSENSloosens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of loosen.
LOOSEN v. to make less tight.
SARSENSsarsens n. Plural of sarsen.
SARSEN n. a sandstone boulder of South England; such a stone used in a prehistoric monument, also SARSDEN.
SENSATEsensate adj. Perceived by one or more of the senses.
sensate adj. Having the ability to sense things physically.
sensate adj. Felt or apprehended through a sense, or the senses.
SENSEISsenseis n. Plural of sensei.
SENSEI n. (Japanese) a teacher, also SENSI.
SENSILEsensile adj. (Archaic) Capable of affecting the senses.
SENSILE adj. responsive to stimulus.
SENSINGsensing v. Present participle of sense.
sensing n. The act of sensation.
SENSING n. the act of sensing.
SENSISMsensism n. Sensualism.
SENSISM n. the doctrine that our ideas originate solely in sensation.
SENSISTsensist n. One who holds to the philosophy of sensism.
SENSIST n. one who indulges in sensationalism.
SENSORSsensors n. Plural of sensor.
SENSOR n. a device that responds to a stimulus.
SENSORYsensory adj. Of the physical senses or sensation.
sensory adj. (Neuroanatomy) Conveying nerve impulses from the sense organs to the nerve centers.
sensory n. (Biology, dated) The sensorium.
SENSUALsensual adj. Inducing pleasurable or erotic sensations.
sensual adj. Of or pertaining to the physical senses; sensory.
sensual adj. Provoking or exciting a strong response in the senses.
UNSENSEunsense n. Lack or absence of sense; senselessness; nonsense.
unsense v. (Transitive) To remove or deprive of the senses; cause to be insensible.
UNSENSE v. to deprive of sense.
WORSENSworsens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of worsen.
WORSEN v. to become worse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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