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There are 15 seven-letter words containing SAGE

ABUSAGEabusage n. (Obsolete) Abuse.
abusage n. Improper or incorrect use of language.
ABUSAGE n. improper or incorrect use esp. of language.
CORSAGEcorsage n. (Obsolete) The size or shape of a person’s body.
corsage n. (Now only historical) The waist or bodice of a woman’s dress.
corsage n. A small bouquet of flowers, originally worn attached to the bodice of a woman’s dress.
DOSAGESdosages n. Plural of dosage.
DOSAGE n. the amount of medicine to be given.
MASSAGEmassage n. The action of rubbing, kneading or hitting someone’s body, to help the person relax, prepare for muscular…
massage v. (Transitive) To rub and knead (someone’s body or a part of a body), to perform a massage on (somebody).
massage v. (Transitive) To manipulate (Data, a document etc.) to make it more presentable or more convenient to work with.
MESSAGEmessage n. A communication, or what is communicated; any concept or information conveyed.
message n. An underlying theme or conclusion to be drawn from something.
message n. (UK, Ireland, chiefly in the plural) An errand.
PASSAGEpassage n. A paragraph or section of text or music with particular meaning.
passage n. Part of a path or journey.
passage n. An incident or episode.
PAYSAGEpaysage n. (Art) A landscape.
PAYSAGE n. (French) a rural scene or landscape, or representation of this.
PLUSAGEPLUSAGE n. an extra amount, also PLUSSAGE.
PRESAGEpresage n. A warning of a future event; an omen.
presage n. An intuition of a future event; a presentiment.
presage v. (Transitive) To predict or foretell something.
PRISAGEprisage n. (Law, UK, obsolete) A right belonging to the crown of England, of taking two tuns of wine from every…
prisage n. (Obsolete) The share of merchandise taken as lawful prize at sea which belongs to the king or admiral.
PRISAGE n. the former right of English kings to wine.
SAGENESsagenes n. Plural of sagene.
SAGENE n. a network.
SAUSAGEsausage n. A food made of ground meat (or meat substitute) and seasoning, packed in a section of the animal’s intestine…
sausage n. A sausage-shaped thing.
sausage n. (Vulgar slang) Penis.
USAGERSusagers n. Plural of usager.
USAGER n. someone who has the use of anything in trust for another.
VISAGEDvisaged adj. (Literary, used in combination) Having a certain type of face.
VISAGED adj. having a visage.
VISAGESvisages n. Plural of visage.
VISAGE n. the face of facial expression of a person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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