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There are 13 six-letter words containing SPIN

ASPINEASPINE n. (Spenser) aspen.
SPINAEspinae n. Plural of spina.
SPINA n. (Latin) the spinal column.
SPINALspinal adj. (Anatomy, zootomy) Of or relating to the spine.
spinal n. (Medicine, colloquial) A spinal anesthesia.
SPINAL adj. related to the spine.
SPINARspinar n. (Astronomy) A rapidly-rotating supermassive star, once hypothesized as the identity of quasars.
SPINAR n. a rapidly spinning galactic body.
SPINASSPINA n. (Latin) the spinal column.
SPINEDspined adj. (Not comparable) Having spines, spiny.
spined adj. (Comparable, in combination, usually figuratively) Having a certain type of spine (backbone).
SPINED adj. having a spine.
SPINELspinel n. (Mineralogy) Any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium…
spinel n. (Solid state chemistry) Any crystalline material, not necessarily an oxide, that possesses the same…
spinel n. Bleached yarn in making the linen tape called inkle; unwrought inkle.
SPINESspines n. Plural of spine.
SPINE n. the vertebral column.
SPINETspinet n. (Music) A short, compact harpsichord or piano.
spinet n. (Obsolete) A spinney.
SPINET n. a musical instrument like a small harpsichord, also SPINETTE, SPINNET.
SPINKSspinks n. Plural of spink.
Spinks prop.n. A surname transferred from the nickname.
Spinks prop.n. Plural of Spink.
SPINNYspinny n. Alternative spelling of spinney.
spinny adj. (Informal) Associated with spinning; moving with a spinning motion.
spinny adj. (UK, dialect, obsolete) thin and long; slim; slender.
SPINORspinor n. (Algebra) An element of the fundamental representation of a Clifford algebra that transforms to its…
SPINOR n. a type of mathematical vector.
SPINTOspinto n. (Music) A soprano or tenor voice of a weight between lyric and dramatic, capable of handling large musical…
SPINTO n. (Italian) a singing voice that is lyric and dramatic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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