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There are 14 six-letter words containing SPAR

SPAREDspared v. Simple past tense and past participle of spare.
SPARE v. to refrain from punishing, harming, or destroying.
SPARERsparer adj. Comparative form of spare: more spare.
sparer n. One who or that which spares.
SPARER n. one who spares.
SPARESspares n. Plural of spare.
spares v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spare.
Spares prop.n. Plural of Spare.
SPARGEsparge v. To sprinkle or spray.
sparge v. (Transitive) To introduce bubbles into (a liquid).
sparge n. (Brewing) Synonym of lautering.
SPARIDsparid n. Any of several perciform fishes of the family Sparidae.
SPARID n. any of a family of marine fishes, also SPAROID.
SPARKEsparke n. Obsolete form of spark.
Sparke prop.n. A surname.
SPARKE n. (Spenser) a weapon of some kind, possibly an error for sparthe.
SPARKSsparks n. Plural of spark.
sparks n. (Informal) An electrician. Specifically, the radio operator on a ship of the merchant marine.
sparks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spark.
SPARKYsparky adj. Lively and animated.
sparky n. (US, Navy) A radio operator.
sparky n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand) An electrician.
SPARREsparre n. Obsolete form of spar.
SPARRE n. (archaic) a spar, a rafter.
SPARRYsparry adj. Abundant in spar (the mineral).
sparry adj. Resembling spar (the mineral).
SPARRY adj. having a confused crystalline structure.
SPARSEsparse adj. Having widely spaced intervals.
sparse adj. Not dense; meager; scanty.
sparse adj. (Mathematics) Having few nonzero elements.
SPARTHsparth n. (Obsolete) A battle-axe or halberd.
SPARTH n. (archaic) a long battleaxe, also SPARTHE, SPERTHE.
SPARTSSPART n. esparto, Spanish broom.
UNSPARunspar v. (Transitive) To take the spars, stakes, or bars from.
UNSPAR v. to withdraw a spa from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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