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There are 10 six-letter words containing SOLE

INSOLEinsole n. The inside sole of a shoe or other footwear.
insole v. (Transitive) To fit (footwear) with an insole.
INSOLE n. the inner sole of a shoe or boot.
ISOLEXisolex n. An isogloss indicating where a certain word is used.
ISOLEX n. a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used.
POSOLEposole n. Alternative form of pozole.
POSOLE n. a thick soup made of pork, corn, garlic, and chili, also POZOLE.
RESOLEresole v. To replace or reattach the sole of an article of footwear.
RESOLE v. to put on new soles.
SOLEINSOLEIN adj. (Spenser) sullen.
SOLELYsolely adv. Alone; exclusively.
SOLE adv. alone.
SOLEMNsolemn adj. (Religion, specifically Christianity) Of or pertaining to religious ceremonies and rites; (generally)…
solemn adj. (By extension).
SOLEMN adj. serious.
SOLERAsolera n. (Uncountable) A method of producing sherry in which small amounts of younger wines stored in an upper…
solera n. (Countable) A large wine cask, on the bottom tier in this system, that contains the oldest wine.
SOLERA n. (Spanish) a system of sherry production involving the blending of wines from different casks.
SOLERSsolers n. Plural of soler.
Solers prop.n. Plural of Soler.
SOLER n. (archaic) an upper room, a garret, also SOLAR, SOLLAR, SOLLER.
SOLEUSsoleus n. A broad, flat muscle that extends behind the gastrocnemius along the back of the calf.
SOLEUS n. (Latin) a leg muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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