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There are 10 six-letter words containing SILE

ENSILEensile v. (Transitive) To preserve (forage) in a silo.
ENSILE v. to store in a silo, also ENSILAGE.
ESILESESILE n. (obsolete) sour wine resembling vinegar, also EISEL, EISELL.
FUSILEfusile adj. (Now rare) That can be melted; meltable.
fusile adj. (Now rare) That has been melted to by heat; liquid, flowing.
fusile adj. Forged or formed by melting or casting.
RESILEresile v. To start back; to recoil; to recede from a purpose.
resile v. To spring back; rebound; resume the original form or position, as an elastic body.
RESILE v. to spring back.
SILENEsilene n. (Chemistry) a molecule containing a silicon atom which forms a double bond.
silene n. (Organic chemistry) an organosilene, a molecule containing a silicon atom doubly bonded to a carbon atom.
silene n. (Inorganic chemistry) a silicon analog of alkenes containing at least one silicon-silicon double bond.
SILENISILENUS n. (Latin) a satyrlike woodland god, an attendant of Bacchus, also SILEN.
SILENSSILEN n. a woodland god or elderly satyr, also SILENUS.
SILENTsilent adj. Free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet.
silent adj. Not speaking; indisposed to talk; speechless; mute; taciturn; not loquacious; not talkative.
silent adj. Keeping at rest; inactive; calm; undisturbed.
SILERSSilers prop.n. Plural of Siler.
SILER n. a strainer.
VISILEvisile n. Someone whose mental imagery consists of pictures.
VISILE n. a person who learns by visual image.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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