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There are 8 six-letter words containing SCRE

SCREAKscreak n. Shriek; screech.
screak v. Shriek; screech.
SCREAK v. to creak.
SCREAMscream n. A loud, emphatic, exclamation of extreme emotion, especially horror, fear, excitement, or anger; it…
scream n. A loud vocalisation of many animals, especially in response to pain or fear.
scream n. (Music) A form of singing associated with the metal and screamo styles of music. It is a loud, rough…
SCREEDscreed n. (Chiefly Ireland, Newfoundland, Scotland, dated) A piece or narrow strip cut or torn off from a larger whole; a shred.
screed n. (Chiefly regional Britain, Scotland, dated) A piece of land, especially one that is narrow.
screed n. (Chiefly Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, dated) A rent, a tear.
SCREENscreen n. A physical divider intended to block an area from view, or provide shelter from something dangerous.
screen n. A material woven from fine wires intended to block animals or large particles from passing while allowing…
screen n. (By analogy) Searching through a sample for a target; an act of screening.
SCREESscrees n. Plural of scree.
SCREE n. a mass of rocks at the foot of a slope.
SCREETSCREET v. (dialect) to weep.
SCREWSscrews n. Plural of screw.
screws v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of screw.
SCREW v. to attach with a type of metal fastener.
SCREWYscrewy adj. (Informal) Crazy; silly; ridiculous.
screwy adj. (Archaic, informal) Tipsy; slightly drunk.
screwy adj. (Archaic) Exacting; extortionate; close.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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