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There are 8 six-letter words containing SALA

MASALAmasala n. Any of many blends of spices used in Indian cuisine, most often containing cardamom, coriander, mace…
masala n. Any dish prepared with such spices.
masala n. Any powder of ground ingredients, not necessarily used in cuisine.
SALAAMsalaam interj. A respectful ceremonial greeting used mostly in Islamic countries.
salaam n. A low bow as a ceremonial act of deference.
salaam v. (Intransitive, transitive) To perform a salaam to (someone).
SALADEsalade n. Alternative form of sallet, a kind of helmet.
salade n. Obsolete form of salad.
SALADE n. in medieval armour, a light helmet extending over the back of the neck, also SALET, SALLET.
SALADSsalads n. Plural of salad.
SALAD n. a dish of green raw vegetables, also SALLAD.
SALALSsalals n. Plural of salal.
SALAL n. (Native American) an American shrub of the heather family, also SALLAL.
SALAMIsalami n. A large cured meat sausage of Italian origin, served in slices.
salami n. (Baseball) A grand slam.
salami n. (Slang) A penis.
SALARYsalary n. A fixed amount of money paid to a worker, usually calculated on a monthly or annual basis, not hourly…
salary v. To pay on the basis of a period of a week or longer, especially to convert from another form of compensation.
salary adj. (Obsolete) Saline.
SALATSsalats n. Plural of salat.
SALAT n. (Arabic) a set of prayers performed by Muslims five times a day while facing towards Mecca.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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