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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing SITO

COMPOSITORIALcompositorial adj. Relating to a compositor.
compositorial n. (Mathematics) The product of all composite numbers less than or equal to a particular number.
COMPOSITORIAL adj. relating to the composition of type.
DENSITOMETERSdensitometers n. Plural of densitometer.
DENSITOMETER n. an instrument for measuring optical or photographic density.
DENSITOMETRICdensitometric adj. Of or pertaining to densitometry.
densitometric adj. Obtained by use of a densitometer.
DENSITOMETRIC adj. relating to densitometry.
INQUISITORIALinquisitorial adj. Of or pertaining to an inquisition, specifically the Inquisition.
inquisitorial adj. In a manner of inquisition or inquisitors.
inquisitorial adj. (Law) Describing a trial system in which the prosecutor also acts as judge.
NECESSITOUSLYnecessitously adv. In a necessitous way.
NECESSITOUS adv. needful, in need.
PARASITOLOGICparasitologic adj. Of or pertaining to parasitology.
PARASITOLOGIC adj. relating to parasitology, also PARASITOLOGICAL.
REQUISITORIESREQUISITORY n. in law, a demand made by a prosecutor that a sentence be passed on an accused, giving the reasons.
SENSITOMETERSsensitometers n. Plural of sensitometer.
SENSITOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the sensitivity of photographic material.
SENSITOMETRICsensitometric adj. Relating to sensitometry.
SENSITOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by sensitometer.
SUPPOSITORIESsuppositories n. Plural of suppository.
SUPPOSITORY n. a solid but readily meltable cone or cylinder of usually medicated material for insertion into a bodily passage or cavity, as the rectum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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