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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing SARI

ACCESSARINESSaccessariness n. The state of being accessary.
ACCESSARINESS n. the state of being accessary.
ADVERSARINESSadversariness n. Quality of being adversary.
ADVERSARINESS n. the state of being an adversary.
ANNIVERSARIESanniversaries n. Plural of anniversary.
ANNIVERSARY n. the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event.
CARAVANSARIEScaravansaries n. Plural of caravansary.
CARAVANSARY n. a kind of unfurnished inn or extensive enclosed courtyard where caravans stop, also CARAVANSARAI, CARAVANSERAI.
COMMISSARIATScommissariats n. Plural of commissariat.
COMMISSARIAT n. a department, esp. military, for the supply of food etc.; food supplied; a government department in the USSR.
MANRIKIGUSARIMANRIKIGUSARI n. (Japanese) a Japanese chain weapon with weighted ends.
MUTESSARIFATSmutessarifats n. Plural of mutessarifat.
MUTESSARIFAT n. the office of a mutessarif, the head of a Turkish sanjak, a district or a subdivision of a vilayet.
NECESSARINESSnecessariness n. The state or characteristic of being necessary.
NECESSARINESS n. the state of being necessary.
POSTLAPSARIANpostlapsarian adj. Pertaining to anything which follows a lapse or failure.
postlapsarian adj. (Judaism, Christianity) The state of being which followed The Fall (the expulsion of Adam and Eve from…
POSTLAPSARIAN adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of the time or state after the fall of humankind described in the Bible.
PRELAPSARIANSSorry, definition not available.
SUBLAPSARIANSsublapsarians n. Plural of sublapsarian.
SUBLAPSARIAN n. a believer in sublapsarianism.
UNNECESSARILYunnecessarily adv. In an unnecessary way; not by necessity.
unnecessarily adv. To an extent beyond what is needed.
UNNECESSARY adv. not necessary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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