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There are 8 twelve-letter words containing SULT

CONSULTATIONconsultation n. The act of consulting.
consultation n. A conference for the exchange of information and advice.
consultation n. An appointment or meeting with a professional person, such as a doctor.
CONSULTATIVEconsultative adj. That gives advice or consultation; advisory.
CONSULTATIVE adj. relating to consultation, also CONSULTIVE.
CONSULTATORYconsultatory adj. Formed by, or resulting from, consultation; advisory.
CONSULTATORY adj. of the nature of consultation.
JURISCONSULTjurisconsult n. (Roman and civil law) A person authorised to give legal advice.
jurisconsult n. (Civil law) A master of civil law. Abbreviation: J.C.
jurisconsult n. (Law) A master of jurisprudence.
RECONSULTINGreconsulting v. Present participle of reconsult.
RECONSULT v. to consult again.
RESULTATIVESresultatives n. Plural of resultative.
RESULTATIVE n. (in grammar) a phrase which describes the state of a noun by completing the verb phrase.
SUBSULTORILYsubsultorily adv. In a subsultory manner.
SUBSULTORY adv. moving by sudden leaps or starts; twitching, also SUBSULTIVE.
SULTRINESSESsultrinesses n. Plural of sultriness.
SULTRINESS n. the state of being sultry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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