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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing SITE

ANORTHOSITESanorthosites n. Plural of anorthosite.
ANORTHOSITE n. an igneous rock that consists of 90 or more percent of plagioclase feldspar, typically labradorite.
APPOSITENESSappositeness n. The state of being apposite.
APPOSITENESS n. the state of being apposite.
BASTNAESITESbastnaesites n. Plural of bastnaesite.
BASTNAESITE n. (Swedish) a reddish-brown fluorite of cerium, also BASTNASITE.
CASSITERITEScassiterites n. Plural of cassiterite.
CASSITERITE n. native tin dioxide, the major ore of tin, aka tinstone.
COREQUISITEScorequisites n. Plural of corequisite.
COREQUISITE n. a formal course of study required to be taken simultaneously with another.
DECOMPOSITESdecomposites n. Plural of decomposite.
DECOMPOSITE n. a composite element that is itself composed of other elements.
ECTOPARASITEectoparasite n. A parasite that lives on the surface of a host organism; such as the Demodex mite, which lives in human…
ECTOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives on the surface of animals.
ENDOPARASITEendoparasite n. A parasite that lives inside the body of an organism, such as a tapeworm.
ENDOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives inside an animal.
EXOPARASITESexoparasites n. Plural of exoparasite.
EXOPARASITE n. a parasite, such as the flea, that lives on the outer surface of its host.
HEMIPARASITEhemiparasite n. (Botany) Any parasitic plant that obtains energy by photosynthesis as well as from its host.
HEMIPARASITE n. a parasitic plant capable of limited photosynthetic production of sugars etc.
HOLOPARASITEholoparasite n. A holoparasitic organism.
INAPPOSITELYinappositely adv. In a way that is not apposite.
INAPPOSITE adv. not apposite.
MONOPHYSITESmonophysites n. Plural of monophysite.
Monophysites n. Plural of Monophysite.
MONOPHYSITE n. one believing that Christ had but a single divine nature.
OPPOSITENESSoppositeness n. The state or condition of being opposite.
OPPOSITENESS n. the state of being opposite.
PHILLIPSITESPHILLIPSITE n. a hydrated silicate of potassium, calcium and aluminum.
PREDEPOSITEDpredeposited adj. Deposited in advance.
PREDEPOSIT v. to deposit in advance.
PREREQUISITEprerequisite adj. Required as a prior condition of something else; necessary or indispensable.
prerequisite n. Something that is required as necessary or indispensable, or as a prior condition of something else.
prerequisite n. In education, a course or topic that must be completed before another course or topic can be started…
SEMIPARASITEsemiparasite n. A semiparasitic organism.
SEMIPARASITE n. a partial parasite, feeding partly independently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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